Download Schedule of Classes here. 

The Short Cup will be awarded to exhibitor gaining most points in show


Novice Entries                                                                       Judge Paul Champion 
Awards: Novice Cup (most points)

This section is to encourage people to enter the show with a selection of Flowers from their garden. Club members will help you with setting up. Club members will help you with setting up.

The Novice Classes are for all those who have not won a class before.

1.  One vase of any 3 Daffodils.

CUT BLOOMS                                                                                                    Judge Paul Champion

Awards: Dowell Cup (most points); Cut Blooms Cup (best exhibit)

The name daffodil is used for all narcissus types see Spring Notes  for daffodil classification guide

3   Three stems any flower not listed in this schedule
 4   One stem any flower not listed in this schedule
 5   One bloom of daffodil any division
 6   One vase 5 daffodils, 5 varieties
 7   One vase 3 daffodils, trumpet (Div.1), 3 varieties
 8   One vase 3 daffodils, long cup (Div.2), 3 varieties
 9   One vase 3 daffodils, short cup (Div.3), 3 varieties
10  One vase 3 all yellow trumpet daffodils (Div.1), 1 variety
11  One vase 3 all white trumpet daffodils (Div.1), 1 variety
12  One vase 3 bi-coloured trumpet daffodils (Div.1), 1 variety
13  One vase 3 all white long cup daffodils (Div.2), 1 variety
14  One vase 3 all yellow long cup daffodils (Div.2), 1 variety
15  One vase 3 bi-coloured long cup daffodils (Div.2), 1 variety
16  One vase 3 all-white short cup daffodils (Div.3), 1 variety
17  One vase 3 all-yellow short cup daffodils (Div.3), 1 variety
18  One vase 3 bi-coloured short cup daffodils (Div.3), 1 variety
19  One vase 3 double bloom daffodils, any variety
20  One vase 3 multi-headed daffodils, any variety
21  One vase 5 miniature daffodils, any variety
22  One vase 3 daffodils, any other division not listed above
23  One vase 3 stems camellia, one or more varieties
24  One bloom camellia, any variety – additional buds to be removed
25  One vase 5 stems mixed foliage
26  One vase 3 stems mixed flowering shrubs
27  One stem hellebore
28  Bowl of 5 Floating hellebores, one or more varieties
29  One vase 5 grape hyacinths

POT PLANTS                                                                                                        Judge Paul Champion

                                                                                                                Award: Plant Cup (most points)

30  One plant polyanthus or primrose, any variety or cultivar (max 30cm pot)
31  One pot or bowl (max 30cm) flowering bulbs or corms, any variety
32  One pot or bowl (max 30cm) any flowering plant - NOT bulb or corm
33  One cactus or succulent, any size

35  Collection of cacti or succulents
37  Any pot plant, foliage only, not flowering 

FLORAL DECORATION                                                                                         Judges Julia Harrison
                                                                                                           Award: Payne Shield (most points)

38  ‘Olympic Rings'. Max 45cm x 45cm, height. optional. 
39   ‘Spring’ an arrangement using only materials from your own or a friend's garden.
                                                                                                               Max 45cm x 45cm, height optional
40  ‘Tutti Frutti’ An arrangement in a piece of fruit                                 Max 20cm x 20cm in any direction

HOME-MADE PRODUCE                                                                                      Judge Celia Jenkins
Award: Nora Butler Salver (most points) &

Home Produce Cup for best exhibit.
For cooked items please use your own plates and cover with clear film

41 Victoria Sandwich with raspberry jam filling.
42 3 Rock Cakes
43 3 Mini Quiches
44 One jar of marmalade
45 Tea Loaf (Men Only)

Photography                                                                                        Judge Gill Barlow
Award: David Mead Cup

Up to two entries per exhibitor allowed in this class

52 'The Lower Otter Wetlands’ – one print maximum A4 including mount if used.
53 'Local Wildlife' – one print maximum A4 including mount if used


This award will be presented to the young person gaining most points overall in classes 1 to 37. To qualify, the ages of exhibitors under 18 years must be declared on the entry form.

The Village hall will be open from 8:00-10:30am on the day of the show so you can set up your exhibits.